Welcome to my page. you'll need the "Viking" font to view most things here. I will have it here later for download. Mostly this is a manowar page but i will have other things here too.
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No tricks to get you to visit any page.
no shareware
all links requiring a password will have the login and password next to it.
if you want to send me a link to your site or to a certain file that you know is not dead then please do.
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hackers manifesto
For years governments and powerful people have been hiding the truth about things from the general public. No one could do anything but believe the stories told by our so called political leaders. Ever since the begining of the computer age, people who made computers thier life have been getting a hold of the data these people have been hiding from us, and have been persecuted for doing so.
The misconception of a Hacker is someone who will destroy your computer for no reason but his own pleasure. This is not true, and the opposition has made this profile of a Hacker up in order to keep the public thinking that it is right for Hackers to be imprisoned, fined and have our equipment taken from us for what we do.
However the only thing we are guilty of is taking knowledge that was intended for the good of mankind and putting it to use, and putting services that should be available to everyone to use in the manner which it was intended before it was corrupted by greedy individuals and government officials. If this is a crime then I deserve to be sentenced for life.
Yes I am a hacker, and what I and my fellow hackers do is hazardous only
to those who have something to hide, and no one else. Yet we are persecuted and treated as
criminals in order to protect thier interests and not the interests of the good of the
world. This is the definition of a Hacker, and those who dub themselves a Hacker should
follow the codes set forth by the people who first began the art of Hacking. The people
know our power, and that is why we are greatly feared; for as a great Hacker once said,
"You may stop me... but you shall never stop us all."